StayFocusd is a productivity extension for Google Chrome that helps you stay focused on work by restricting the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting websites. Once your allotted time has been used up, the sites you have blocked will be inaccessible for the rest of the day. Apr 08, 2020 · Part 3: How to Block Adult Websites in Google Chrome with the help of Chrome’s Supervised User There is another feature from Google Chrome called “Supervised User”. This feature can be employed as a parental guidance tool. The BlockSite add-on icon is displayed at the top-right of the Chrome window. After installing the extension and granting it permission to detect adult content web pages, you can add websites to the block list one of two ways. If you are on a website you want to block, click the BlockSite extension icon. Click the Block this site button. or We tend to waste a lot of time at work on Facebook and other time-wasting websites, and this extension limits the amount of time you spend on these websites (and any others of your choice). You can specify the days StayFocusd will restrict your browsing activity along with the time you can spend per day on time-wasting websites. Whether it's you or the kids who are spending too much time on certain websites -- or you've encountered a site with too many pop-ups -- you may find a need to block the offending site. Google's Chrome browser doesn't have a native feature that allows you to block websites, but one of its compatible third-party extensions can do the job for you. Oct 07, 2018 · Step 3 – Restricting Specific Websites. As browsing the internet is required for many other useful purposes, it is highly recommended to restrict only specific websites. Scroll down to “Allowed Content” section and tap on “Websites” option. Sep 23, 2015 · This is slightly helpful thanks. I wanted to have more control in blocking and allowing individual websites. I was able to do this using internet explorer, I was able to block or allow individual websites. Microsoft Edge is basically a clone of Google Chrome.

Feb 15, 2012 · This guide demonstrates how to turn Firefox and Google Chrome into a single-site browser. Inspiration has been taken from Vasa's post over at the Wilders Security Forum. Google Chrome. Google Chrome users can make use of the --host-rules parameter to block all domain connections except the ones they whitelist. The general parameter looks like this:

May 25, 2019 · Picture 2 How to restrict website access on Chrome download this picture here You can enter multiple websites, click the plus sign to add pages and click - to remove the added site from the list. Finally, click Start Focusing to start the site blocking feature that takes time. Apr 10, 2020 · Google Chrome allows users to access all kinds of websites without restrictions. While it is useful to find information on the world-wide-web, sometimes it may be a good idea to block websites to restrict activity on certain websites. There are multiple reasons for doing so. Mar 28, 2019 · How to Block Websites on an iPad. Apple makes it simple to block websites on an iPad (or any iOS device). When you block a website using the Restrictions menu, it will be blocked in every browser.

Aug 08, 2018 · Limit is a Chrome browser extension that allows you to limit your time spent on distracting websites. To use Limit, simply select the website you find most distracting and choose a daily time limit. For example, you could limit yourself to ten minutes a day on Facebook, or half an hour a day on Duolingo.

How to Block Websites on Chrome. You may want to block websites on Chrome for different reasons. Many websites distract people from their work, and others are not suitable for children. Google Chrome blocks thousands of sites that contain viruses. However, it does not block websites by their content, and it will not warn you if you spend too