sh ssl vserver v1 Advanced SSL configuration for VServer v1: DH: DISABLED DH Private-Key Exponent Size Limit: DISABLED Ephemeral RSA: ENABLED Refresh Count: 0 Session Reuse: ENABLED Timeout: 1800 seconds Cipher Redirect: DISABLED ClearText Port: 0 Client Auth: DISABLED SSL Redirect: DISABLED Non FIPS Ciphers: DISABLED SNI: ENABLED OCSP Stapling: DISABLED HSTS: DISABLED …

In database computing, sqlnet.ora is a plain-text configuration file that contains the information (like tracing options, encryption, route of connections, external naming parameters etc.) on how both Oracle server and Oracle client have to use Oracle Net (formerly Net8 or SQL*Net) capabilities for networked database access. How to disable TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA cipher on Jan 12, 2015 SSL ciphers - cURL

Jul 06, 2020

“Which SSL ciphers should I disable?” A client recently gave me a list of their supported ciphers and asked me which SSL ciphers they should disable – effectively looking for the most secure SSL ciphers they can use.

dhe-rsa-aes256-sha dhe-rsa-aes128-sha aes128-rmd des-cbc3-rmd dhe-rsa-aes256-rmd dhe-rsa-aes128-rmd dhe-rsa-des-cbc3-rmd aes256-sha rc4-sha rc4-md5 des-cbc3-sha des-cbc-sha edh-rsa-des-cbc3-sha edh-rsa-des-cbc-sha aes128-sha:aes256-rmd. as of mysql 5.7.10, these cipher restrictions are in place:

Burp Suite SSL Certificate Error (peer not authenticated Dec 05, 2016 Support for DTLSv1.0 protocol -