kde - How to control programs run at startup? - Ask Ubuntu

2. Copy the run command Shell:common startup 3. It will reach C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 4. Creat the shortcut of the program you want to run in startup. 5. Drag and drop. 6. Restart the computer. Jan 02, 2017 · I tried your method on my application program on Debian OS. It is not working for me. My program is a GUI based application program, which is located in the folder of /home/linaro/. I run my application from Terminal is as below:./my_app It works fine. Below is the service file my_app.service, which is stored in the folder of /ect/ststemd/system/ Nov 04, 2011 · The next time you restart your system, those programs will automatically run. Keep in mind this will make startup time slower. But it’s nice to have regularly used programs launch and ready to roll. Oct 18, 2017 · Right Click on the start menu and choose run; Type “shell:startup” and click ok. Then the startup folder will appear and you can drop shortcuts or applications into it. To find the common startup folder for all users. Right click on the start menu and choose run; Type “shell:common startup” and click ok. Easy but quite well hidden.

2011-7-6 · 部署tomcat 6.0.20,使用sh startup.sh启动tomcat 出现This file is needed to run this program 原因.sh文件都不是可执行文件,于是找到命令:chmod +x *.sh chmod +x_this file is needed to run this program

2020-7-18 · Starup programs can be configured in System configuration utility. The Run command for opening System configuration utility is msconfig.After running this command select the tab ‘Startup’ in the configuration utility window. Here you can select which programs … How to Add A Program To Startup In Windows 10: Startup 2020-7-19 · Make program run on startup in Windows 10 For programs that don’t have such parameter read the rest of the tutorial on how to find the startup folder and change startup programs in Windows 10 . Note that in the latest versions of Windows 10 all programs that were running at the moment when you shut down or rebooted your computer

How to run a Linux Program on Startup - Tim Leland

Oct 10, 2019 · Learn how System information run command works. Disable Startup Programs Using CCleaner. This is a very easy step, all you need is the Ccleaner software. CCleaner comes with a utility including a feature called Startup that can be used to enable or disable the program. 1) Open CCleaner. 2) Click on Tools located on the left panel Run and RunOnce Registry Keys. 05/31/2018; 2 minutes to read; In this article. Run and RunOnce registry keys cause programs to run each time that a user logs on. The data value for a key is a command line no longer than 260 characters. Register programs to run by adding entries of the form description-string=commandline. You can write multiple